There were several early tribes from India, Tibet and China.who
migrated into Burma to escape from numerous wars between various
kingdoms. . The most notable one was the Pyu, pronounced "pew" from
Northern India. They migrated into Burma to escape from numerous wars
between various kingdoms in eastern India. They were “Brahman” or from
the priestly caste. According to Hindu historians, the term “Burma” is
derived from the Indian word “Brahmin”. Over centuries, the name of the
country has taken many forms, such as Bharma, Bhama, Barmar, Bama and
then, until recently, was known as Burma. The ancient Chinese called the
people of this region Mein. Over time, it evolved to Meinma, Mramma,
and presently, it is named Myanmar, symbolically meaning “the first
inhabitants of the region." This is the English spelling of the country
they ruled for nearly a century from mid 19th Century to the mid 20th
The Pyu, whose tradition was deeply rooted in the lifestyle of
the eightfold yoga system from Patanjali and the "Yoga Sutras",
established a highly peaceful Hindu kingdom in the great Irrawaddy
valley around 500 BC. They were joined by other tribes determined to
live a spiritual lifestyle. One of those tribes was from Southern Tibet
whose “Ko Ghan” system of zones influenced their yoga practice. They
were also known to practice different forms of Yoga such as Raja yoga,
Karma yoga, Tantric yoga, Hatha yoga, Dhanda yoga, Letha yoga, Longi
yoga and others.They refined the Hatha yoga system along with the other
systems and created the Hanthawaddy yoga system. By the 3rd Century AD,
they had built their elegant capital at Sri Ksetra, near where Pyay is
now, with hundreds of golden stupas, temples and monasteries. Their high
cultural ideals embraced spiritual beliefs of Brahmanism, Hinduism,
Buddhism, Tantricism, Mysticism, and Shamanism.
The Pyu settled
in these river delta areas because they were fertile and protected by
the mountains. The rivers carry away debris and waste as well as bring
in life and fresh nutrients. These river valleys or deltas were known as
Waddy. Hantha means peaceful, hence Hanthawaddy (place of peace). This
yoga system developed utilizing the Ko Ghan system with the nine zones,
the alignment of the staff (Dhanda) training, and with the controlled
breath and energy meditation of Min Zin became known as Hanthawaddy
(peaceful place). Our body is the place or temple. Since other streams
and rivers join in the valleys there is reference to “joining” of that
peaceful place. This peace is what we should find or establish within
our temple, "within ourselves".
As early as 500 BC, Chinese
traders were using an overland route from China [Yunnan area] through
northern Burma into India through Assam. [NOTE: This ancient route,
which dates back to 500 BC, became one of the famous roads during WWII.
American engineers in 1940 expanded the road and called it THE BURMA
” One of the earliest written records of Chinese emissaries and traders traveling on this route reported (around 500 B.C.) that:
“Early in the morning with the rising sun, young and old men of
villages and towns practiced elaborate sets of exercises using their
bamboo and wooden long staff. They performed their vigorous sequence of
exercises, standing, sitting, kneeling and squatting. These exercises
were supervised by elders.”
Predominantly vegetarian, the Pyu
discouraged killing and placed strong emphasis on preserving the lives
of all creatures, great or small. They created an agrarian society
complete with sophisticated systems of canals, elaborate irrigation
devices and advanced methods of animal husbandry. The Pyu kingdom became
one of the major trade routes between India and China. Roman embassies
traveling from Rome to China from 97 – 121 AD used this peaceful region
for their overland journey.
The Roman ambassadors reported that
chains, fetters and prisons were unknown in this peaceful society. Harsh
punishments and executions were not practiced as in the surrounding
kingdoms. Killing for territorial gain, political dominance and
vengeance was against the cultural values.
Chinese Buddhist
pilgrims who traveled and studied at Sri Ksetra described this kingdom
as a “peaceful land,” a “holy land,” and “the land of a thousand
temples.” Pilgrims from the surrounding states visited various
monasteries of this region. Chinese traders used the region for rest and
restocking of goods before they made their rugged journeys to India,
Persia and other countries.
The ancient Chinese called the people of
this region Mein. Over time, it evolved to Meinma, Mramma, and
presently, it is named Myanmar, symbolically, meaning “the first
inhabitants of the region.
The end of the Pyu KingdomAround
the 6th Century, the Mons, a fierce warrior people who originated from
Eastern India gradually moved down and subdued the Pyu kingdom and
settled in the region. The Pyu scattered, many going north.
the 8th Century, an offshoot of the old “Ch’iang” Tibetan tribes from
the eastern Himalayas, known to western scholars as “Tibeto-Burmans”
migrated into the region. After a long and complicated struggle, the
Mons were defeated. The Tibeto-Burmese culture merged with the Mon
Burma emerging as a Nation
By the middle of the
11th Century, Burma emerged as a Nation after numerous wars between
small and large kingdoms in the region. The Great King Anawrahta
[1044-1077] united the country and established his capital at Bagan in
the north central Burma along the Irrawaddy River.
During the
next century the city of Bagan grew dramatically. There was a great
religious surge among the people, initiating extraordinary architectural
and artistic activity in the region. More than 10,000 pagodas, temples,
shrines and monasteries were built in the region. Today Bagan is the
largest archaeological site in all of Asia. Even though Buddhism was
adopted by the kings and the people of Burma, remnants of ancient and
rituals of Hinduism, Tantricism, and Shamanism are still practiced
Revival and Preservation of These Systems
Krishna Vaidya was an internationally renowned Yogi from India. From
1880-1940, he taught the philosophy, principles, and practice of yoga as
the foundation for physical health and fitness, physical culture,
athletics and sports, and also for emotional and spiritual growth. In
1914, he founded Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal at the city of Amravati
in India. He also restored, revived, and systemized some of the ancient
systems using the staff, rope, and stone: along with various yogic
asanas to develop strength, stamina, suppleness, and stability for
physical, athletic, and martial training.
Around 1935, Ba Than
Gyi, who later became the director of Health and Physical Education, and
Sports and Athletics in the Ministry of Education in Burma, became one
of the many disciples of Anant Krishna Vaidya. Some of Vaidyas’s yoga
exercises and training methods for sports and athletics were
incorporated into the curriculum for physical education programs.
During World War II Burma was devastated. Many pre-war programs were
phased out including the teaching of Anant Krishna Vaidya. Only a
handful of people in Burma continued to practice and teach exercises and
drills taught by Vaidya.
After World War II, Ba Than Gyi
established the Bando Meditation Center in December 1945 in the city of
Maymo in northern Burma. Ba Than Gyi also attempted to integrate some of
the teachings of Anant Krishna Vaidya and the ancient Pyu monk’s
system, which were still practiced by a handful of Brahmin clans in
remote towns such as Homalin, Halin,Tamu, Kalamyo, and Amarapura. With
his dedicated staff members, he succeeded in organizing, classifying,
and categorizing various yoga postures, exercises and drills. Ba Than
Gyi’s son, Dr. Maung Gyi, later brought these systems as well as other
systems to Americain the late 1950’s. It is practiced by a small group
of dedicated students and teachers here in the U.S. under the auspices
of the non-profit American Bando Association.
Great gratitude needs to be given to Dr. Maung Gyi for sharing and restoring these systems
geographical size of present Burma is slightly larger than Germany or
France. This country is sandwiched between Tibet to the north, China to
the north-east, India to the west, Lao and Thailand to the south-east.
Burma has several high mountain ranges coming down from the Himalayas,
dense jungles in the east and west, a desert region in the center and
the delta region in the south. There are four great rivers: Chindwin,
Sittang, Salween and Irrawaddy. These rivers are like 4 long fingers
spreading across and dividing the country. The Irrawaddy River is
considered to be one of the great rivers of the world. It travels more
than 1200 miles from the Tibetan plateau across the middle of Burma to
the Indian Ocean. Hundreds of ancient tribes from India, Tibet and China
used these rivers in search for food and settlements.